Praise in Heaven and Glorify on Earth

Heaven is not the place to glorify God; it will be the place to praise Him.  The place to glorify Him is here.  –Watchman Nee from Love Not the World:  A Prophetic Call to Holy Living

As I understand it, I’d modify the quote above to “Heaven is not the place to glorify God; it is the place to praise Him.  The place to glorify Him is here.”  As I explained in the post, “In Christ Now”, who we are in Christ has a present aspect that most of us don’t recognize.  We’re present with Him in the heavenly realm now and He is present in us on earth now.  By acknowledging this, we can “see” ourselves in His presence above while also “seeing” ourselves as glorifying Him on earth.

This website exists to help us to work toward habitual meditation on the things above (heavenly things) and on how those things affect us on earth.  In The Lord’s Prayer, we pray, “…on earth as it is in heaven.”  One born of the Spirit is from above.  We must meditate on the realities from above until they permeate us.  This is part of Christian Mindfulness.